@prefix quit: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix prov: . @prefix xsd: . ## Quit Configuration # classes quit:QuitStore a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Quit Store" ; rdfs:comment "Information about the Git Store" . quit:Graph a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Quit Graph" ; rdfs:comment "A named Graph" . quit:Binding a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:comment "Information about custom namespaces" . # quit:QuitStore properties quit:storeFromDir a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "(Dis)allow Quit building the store from all files found in repository" . quit:allowNewGraphs a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment """(Dis)allow Quit adding new files for each new named graph. [This property is not yet evaluated by the implementation.]""" . quit:pathOfGitRepo a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "Path to the local Git Repository" . quit:defaultBranch a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "Branch used as default" . quit:linkToGitRemote a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "Link to the Git Remote" . # quit:Graph properties quit:graphUri a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:label "Graph URI" ; rdfs:comment "The URI of a graph" . quit:graphFile a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:label "Graph File" ; rdfs:comment "The filename" . quit:isVersioned a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:label "Is Versioned" ; rdfs:comment "The Information if a graph should be versioned" . # quit:Binding properties quit:prefix a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "Prefix for a binding" . quit:namespace a rdfs:Property ; rdfs:comment "Actual namespace for a binding" . ## Quit Provenance # classes quit:Import a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Import" ; rdfs:comment "An import of RDF data from some source" . quit:Transformation a rdfs:Class ; rdfs:label "Transformation" ; rdfs:comment "A transformation of an RDF dataset e.g. using a SPARQL update query" . # instances quit:Author a prov:Role ; rdfs:label "Author" ; rdfs:comment "The author of a Git commit" . quit:Committer a prov:Role ; rdfs:label "Committer" ; rdfs:comment "The commiter of a Git commit" . # prov:Activity properties quit:preceedingCommit a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . quit:hex a rdfs:Property ; rdf:label "" ; rdfs:comment "The hexadecimal hash used to identify objects in a Git repository" . quit:updates a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . quit:additions a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . quit:removals a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . quit:graph a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . # quit:Import properties quit:dataSource a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "" ; rdfs:comment "" . # quit:Transformation properties quit:query a rdf:Property ; rdfs:label "query" ; rdfs:comment "A SPARQL query appliead to an RDF dataset" .